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Test Result : Device Registry CRUD tests

0 failures (±0)
26 tests (±0)
Took 31 sec.

All Tests

Test nameDurationStatus
All device parameters must match the device creator1.1 secPassed
Case sensitiveness of named device searches1.2 secPassed
Count devices with a specific BIOS version1.3 secPassed
Create a single device with an empty string for clientID1.2 secPassed
Create a single device with null clientID value1.3 secPassed
Creating a single device with case sensitive clientID1.3 secPassed
Creating a single device with clientID that contains 255 characters1.2 secPassed
Creating a single device with clientID that contains 256 characters1.4 secPassed
Creating a single device with clientID that contains invalid character1.2 secPassed
Creating a single device with clientID that contains invalid characters1.2 secPassed
Creating a single device with spaces in clientID1.2 secPassed
Creating a single device with valid clientID1.4 secPassed
Creating two device with the same clientID1.2 secPassed
Delete an existing device from the registry1.1 secPassed
Device factory sanity checks1.2 secPassed
Device queries2.4 secPassed
Device query - find by BIOS version1.1 secPassed
Find device by client ID1.2 secPassed
Find device by registry ID1.2 secPassed
Initialize test environment0.34 secPassed
Reset Security Context for all scenarios22 msPassed
Try to delete a non existing device from the registry1.1 secPassed
Try to find a device with an invalid client ID1.1 secPassed
Try to find a device with an invalid registry ID1.2 secPassed
Try to update the device client ID1.1 secPassed
Update a non existing device1.2 secPassed